Dental FAQs

Financing FAQs

Please call our Fergus dental clinic 24 hours a day at 519-620-7474 or send us an email. Our staff will take care of the rest including contacting your previous office to request recent dental x-rays and your family physician in the event of medical concerns with treatment.

Country Dental is proud to offer our Fergus dental patients who have confirmed dental insurance the ability to use their coverage immediately at an appointment. Please make sure to give our dental staff your primary and secondary insurance plan number, breakdown, and remaining annual coverage, and we can save you from paying out of pocket and waiting for a reimbursement cheque.

We want to offer the highest standard of dental care for our patients. We want the Fergus dentists to focus on dentistry. Our office engages a medical anesthesiologist and dedicated nurse for all sleep dentistry procedures. Country Dental designed a full surgical suite and recovery room with direct exit access in the event of an emergency. Patient safety comes first at Country Dental.

Country Dental is committed to creating spectacular dental results. To help our patients, we offer 0% interest dental financing through ifinance.