Dental Services

FAQ on Tooth & Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Tooth Extraction Dentists on Wisdom Teeth Removal

Below, our Country Dental tooth extraction dentists answer some of the most common frequently asked questions about wisdom teeth removal.

Here at Country Dental, our wisdom teeth dentist wants to make removal as easy and as painless as possible.  We realize that removing wisdom teeth seems like a big procedure, but it is fairly routine.  Wisdom teeth extractions can help prevent future serious dental problems.

The most common type of dental extraction is the removal of wisdom teeth.  Other reasons for a tooth extraction might include a tooth coming in at an angle or even a broken tooth.  Removing these dangers to your overall dental health are essential to prevent potential problems like gum disease.

At Country Dental, the dentists at our dental clinic in Fergus, prefer to try and save your natural teeth, but sometimes tooth extractions and wisdom teeth removal are necessary.

Answers to Questions about Wisdom Teeth Removal

  • What is the cost of removing wisdom teeth?

Discuss the potential cost of a wisdom tooth extraction with your dentist.  Each case is different, but generally the more difficult it is to remove a tooth, the more it can cost.  An impacted wisdom tooth might cost a lot more than a loose or severely decayed tooth.  Always check out your dental insurance to see if a dental extraction is covered.   Payment plans and dental financing are also possible at Country Dental through iFinance.

  • Will Removing Wisdom Teeth Hurt?

It is more than understandable that a patient would feel anxious about the pain involved with a wisdom tooth extraction.  Country Dental wants you to remain as comfortable and worry-free as possible.  Wisdom teeth removal is mostly a straightforward procedure but it is still classified as dental surgery.

Our dentists explain exactly what to expect and what methods of relief are available for the pain involved.  There are plenty of methods available to keep pain at a minimum before and after a procedure.  Country Dental is proud to offer the convenience of IV sedation, with treatment options ranging from nitrous oral sedation to IV sedation.

  • What Is Involved In Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Wisdom teeth extractions have now become routine tooth extractions. Most only take a few minutes to complete.  Our dentists always provide a local anesthetic to numb the tooth and gums.  If you are very anxious about the pain, sedation dentistry can be used to help you remain calm.

The dentist or surgeon will rock the tooth back and forth.  Then by rotating it, the dentist widens the socket for an easier dental extraction.  The patient will sense a dull pressure during this time because of the numbing of pain receptors. The tooth is fully detached and the dentist covers the exposed gum with gauze.

After-Care Answers

Taking care of the area where the dental extraction took place is extremely important.  Your dentist will advise you to bite the gauze gently for thirty minutes to an hour after the tooth extraction.  He may also advise gently rinsing out your mouth with water, taking an antibiotic, and avoiding smoking for 24 hours.  Certain foods and activities should be avoided for the first few days after the wisdom tooth extraction is complete.

With proper dental care, your mouth should return to normal in a few weeks.  Watch out though and beware of dry sockets. A dull, throbbing pain in the dental extraction site a few days after the surgery is a big warning sign. This article by the Mayo Clinic also has additional information about wisdom teeth extractions.

Contact our Fergus dentists immediately if you feel any pain.  Don’t waste time guessing. Be sure to contact us.

For more information about wisdom teeth removal or other tooth extractions, please contact Country Dental to book a dental appointment or call one of our dental clinic:

Fergus – 519-787-7878

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