Dental Services

Repairing Teeth with Dental Crowns and Caps

Dental Crowns Dentist

A dental crown can be highly effective for many aspects of teeth repair. They can be used to correct the size, shape, or strength of the tooth, or to bring the tooth back to its original appearance.

Sometimes patients have lost teeth for a variety of reasons. Skipping regular dental visits here at Country Dental and poor dental hygiene habits can accelerate damage to your teeth. A dental crown can be a permanent fix for many types of common teeth problems. Crowns are a fairly common treatment and the procedure to implant them is also relatively simple.

Talk with our Fergus dentists about crowns. Discolored teeth or dental implants can be covered up. A crown can also be used to protect a tooth from decay or to restore a broken tooth.

Dental bridges also use crowns to be held into place.

Step-by-Step Dental Crown Procedure

At Country Dental, we want to inform you about the process used in a dental crown procedure. Installing a crown can be done in one day with Country Dental.

Some types of dental crowns are prepped and placed in a single visit, such as a CEREC crown.  Typically though, during your first visit, a dentist will take a dental X-ray.  This is used to determine the extent of decay and structure of the tooth.  Sometimes a root canal will be necessary if the tooth is too decayed.  If not, the procedure can move ahead.

Your dentist will file the area around the tooth to smooth it out for a scan.  After the scan is taken of the prepared tooth and the surrounding area, you can leave the office or stay while your crown is being fabricated. The dentist and their assistant design the crown digitally. The crown is then processed in our office.

During the second appointment that day, the dentist will place the permanent dental crown on the prepared tooth.  The fit and colour will be tested and then cement is used to hold the crown in place. The dentist can use custom staining to achieve the perfect matching result.

Crowns are made from several different materials including metals, porcelain, and ceramics.  Resins are also available for those who want a durable plastic crown.  Your dentist will discuss after-care as well to prevent further problems at this point.

Dental Crowns Cost and After-Care

Most patients are immediately concerned about the cost of a dental crown procedure.  Discuss with your dentist what will fit you physically and financially.

Some types of crowns are much more expensive than others.  Would porcelain be a better fiscal decision over getting a metal crown?  These questions are important and your dentist here at Country Dental will answer them all for you.

Be sure to properly care for your dental crowns.  Crowns do not deter tooth decay.  Brushing and flossing are still the most proactive methods to care for your teeth.  Regular visits to your dentist will also help prevent future problems.

Certain types of crowns require different care depending on the material they are made from.  A dentist may advise you to quit certain habits like grinding teeth and chewing ice to prevent future problems with crowns wearing out. The Canadian Dental Association offers more information on their page Crowns – Restoring Damaged Teeth.

Find out more About Country Dental. Let our dental experts take care of your dental crowns.

Fergus – 519-787-7878

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