Dental Services

Benefits of Dental Fluoride Treatment

Country Dental offers dental fluoride treatment in our Ontario dental clinic.

Fluoride is a natural mineral that bonds well to the minerals that are found in the enamel of your teeth. Dental fluoride treatment has been found to be extremely effective in fighting tooth decay, as well as relieving pain in decaying areas and strengthening teeth against cavities. It helps by re-mineralizing the enamel of the tooth. For more information, see this Canadian Dental Association PDF file on Use of Fluorides in Dentistry.

How Dental Fluoride Works

Depending on your age, dental fluoride works in a multitude of ways. When used before eating, it stops some of the acids from attacking the enamel of your teeth. It has a dramatic effect on the bad bacteria in your mouth as they try to corrode your teeth. When fluoride is applied to the teeth, it bonds to the tooth itself and contributes to the rebuilding of tooth enamel. Once enamel is no longer growing, fluoride will no longer penetrate at such deep levels, however, dental fluoride treatment still protects the tooth surfaces from cavities as well as plaque.

Reasons You May Need Dental Fluoride Treatment

Were you aware that you could benefit from a professional fluoride treatment?

At our Country Dental clinics in Fergus, our dentists will advise you if a dental fluoride treatment is the proper course of action for your dental health.

Those who are at a higher risk for the development of cavities may be advised that a more aggressive treatment, which would include concentrated fluoride treatments, will help protect their teeth from further decay.

Those at a higher risk may include:

  • Patients with dry mouth symptoms
  • Patients with health problems or disease that can affect the teeth
  • Patients with cracks in the tooth enamel
  • Patients with considerable dental work or orthodontics that are hard to clean
  • Patients with exposed roots.

What to Expect During Treatment

The professional dentists at Country Dental will first do a thorough dental exam. After being cleaned, the teeth are “painted” with a liquid, paste, foam, or gel. Sometimes the teeth are covered with small trays filled with the fluoride compound. The fluoride is usually flavoured so there is no bad taste.

The solution is left on the teeth for just a few minutes, then the dentist or hygienist will rinse your teeth gently, and ask you to spit out any remaining solution. You will not be able to eat or drink anything, including water, for about 30 minutes afterwards. Your teeth might feel pasty or slimy but that is simply a sign that the fluoride is sticking to the teeth and is making a barrier of protection.

Although some individuals with sensitive teeth experience mild discomfort during or immediately after a dental fluoride treatment, most people say their experience was very comfortable and pain free.

Our dentists can determine if you are a good candidate for a fluoride treatment. Even if you show no problems currently, our dentists may recommend a fluoride treatment on your next cleaning or dental exam, to help give your teeth an extra measure of protection. A professional dental fluoride treatment can be your best option for a healthy, beautiful smile.

Please contact Country Dental online to book a dental appointment or call one of our dental clinic for more information about dental fluoride treatments. We also offer dental sealants as another effective way to protect your teeth.

Fergus – 519-787-7878

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